From Cherry Hill Road in Mocksville, North Carolina, Holly and Justin Miller, high school sweethearts, embarked on their farming journey in 2014 with a vision fueled by a passion for agriculture and the goal to see their product from start to finish.
Matthew and Leslie Alexander are humble and grateful they get to raise their boys Jake (10), William (8) and Reid (5) in their little piece of paradise. Their journey, however, has required patience and sacrifice. Outside of Lyons, Georgia, take a drive out of town, down a dirt road, onto a winding gravel driveway through pine trees to find a beautiful, secluded 30 acres.
Founded by Tyler and Jared Hunsader, the farm has grown from a humble plot of land into a thriving 400-acre operation known for its diverse range of products and engaging farm experience such as their U-Pick Orchards, Smokehouse, and their very own Cider company.
J.W. Yonce and Sons, more commonly known as Big Smile Premium Peaches, has been in business for over 90 years. Chris Yonce and his cousin, Josh, are the fourth generation to run the peach farm located in Johnston, South Carolina. Chris is an AgSouth Farm Credit customer that utilizes multiple loan services, including Crop Insurance.
According to Kenny Barnwell, the last thing he ever thought he would be is a farmer. Now, he farms over 150 acres of apples and is the 2023 National Apple Grower of the Year. In addition to apple farming-Barnwell is passionate about farmland preservation, fruit grower advocacy, and community service. A Farm Credit customer for over 30 years, we are proud to celebrate Kenny Barnwell, and all he has done for the agricultural community.
There is something deeply comforting about a fresh, warm cobbler from the oven. An iconic American dessert that reminds us of home. For Russ Goodman and his family, cobbler isn’t just a comfort food; it represents the reward from years of hard work and weathered storms on his farming operation and embodies his passion for serving and promoting the American farmer.
Fifth-generation farmers Jacob and Emily Nolan operate 1,700 acres of row crops on their family farm in Screven, Georgia. Jacob and Emily established Spring Fever Farms in 2005, building it from the ground up. They have since expanded the operation to include pecans, satsumas, strawberries and other commodities.
Kaye Usher embodies a true woman in agriculture – tough, hard-working, determined, passionate, and faithful. Read 4 inspiring lessons you can learn from this greenhouse farmer.
Anyone who’s ever tended a garden knows that plants need a lot of water, especially flowering plants. That’s why water is especially important at family-owned Metrolina Greenhouses, which produces