Agriculture is the number one industry in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Providing key agricultural commodities to the rest of the U.S. and world-wide, the pressure to produce is real for farmers in the southeast. To be a farmer is to deal with uncertainty. And farmers have had a slew of trying circumstances of late. Here are tips and resources in managing your mental health.
So you want to start a farm business? Maybe you want to turn your side hobby in to a second career. Or maybe you grew up on your grandparents farm and feel a pull to go back to your roots. Whatever your motivation to start a farm or agritourism business, you might not know where to start. This guide can help.
When it comes to farming, every moment counts. For farmers like Jeffrey Crotts, who owns Knob Creek Orchards, Inc., in Toluca, North Carolina, time is money. With 287 acres of apples, peaches, strawberries, and blackberries to manage, Crotts understands the critical importance of efficiency, especially during harvest season when the window for picking fruits like strawberries and blackberries is incredibly narrow. The right farm equipment is essential not just for efficiency, but for ensuring the quality of the harvest and, ultimately, the profitability of the farm.
Make a list of essential ways to boost a farm’s productivity, and an operating line of credit will be on it. The benefits are both tangible and intangible, says Stacy Nobles, a relationship lending manager with AgSouth Farm Credit. He and Allen Daley, a relationship lender with AgSouth, have 38 years between them in helping farmers tailor operating lines of credit that best fit their businesses.
If you’re a cattle producer, buying crop insurance may not be something of which you think you qualify. 3 Benefits of Livestock Risk Protection for your cattle operation are: Your premium can be due AFTER you go to market; There is no minimum number of heads insured; and, Having insurance looks more favorable to lenders.
Land ownership becomes more and more attractive for some people. Finding the property and making it your own can sometimes pose challenges, however. We go over common property details and how it might affect your land loan when you’re searching for that perfect piece of land. We talk about land surveys, water tests, zoning requirements, and more.
Whether you’re an experienced, young, beginning, or small farmer, crop insurance is an important part of any farming operation. While crop insurance policies and premiums are regulated at the national
If you’re looking to obtain financing for your farming operation, no matter how big or small, you’ll need a business plan. Writing a business plan from scratch can be overwhelming. This article goes over what you will need to do before you start writing your business plan that will make the writing process go much more smoothly.
There is nothing better than watching your dog be a dog! But all that space to roam can come with an increased risk of injury. Here are 4 veterinary approved tips to keep your country canine safe
Whether you’re an experienced, young, beginning, or small farmer, chances are you’re going to need some level of financing during your career. We've compiled the best advice from our most experience agricultural lenders.